> Simu Motors 120v > Simu Exterior Motors > Simu Type 6 Standard 4 Wire Motor w/ Manual Override
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Simu Type 6 DMI6 Standard 4 Wire Motor / Manual Override

Simu Type 6 DMI Standard 4 wire motors offers a complete range of torques 530-880 in. lbs. and Motor speed 14 RPM for driving the majority of rolling shutters, awnings and exterior solar sunscreen products. The manual override feature allows you to manually open or close your awning in the event of a power outage. Capability to be used with Simu's line of RTS controls and sensors when the motor is used in conjunction with a Universal RTS Receiver.

Simu T6 660 DMI6 Override Operator Motor 2001040 | 4-Wire motor is used for Exterior Solar Screens, Retractable Awnings, Rolling Shutters, Outdoor Bug Screens | Home Automation | Florida Automated Shade Simu T6 660 DMI6 Override Operator Motor 2001040

Type6 660 DMI6 120v 4-Wire Motor
Torque 60Nm 530" lbs 14 rpm
Crown and Drive Sold Separately

Our Price: $595.96

Simu T6 680 DMI6  Override Operator Motor 2001042 | 4-Wire Simu Motor used for Exterior Solar Screens, Retractable Awnings, Rolling Shutters, Retractable Outdoor Screens | Florida Automated Shade Simu T6 680 DMI 80 Nm 14 rpm 120V Motor 2001042

Type6 680 DMI6 120v 4-Wire Motor
Torque 80Nm 704" lbs 14 rpm
Crown and Drive Sold Separately

Our Price: $642.22

Simu T6 6100 DMI6 Override Operator 2001044 | 4-Wire Awning- Rolling Shutter Motor | Home Automation | Florida Automated Shade Simu T6 6100 DMI 100 Nm 14 rpm 120V Motor 2001044

Type6 6100 DMI6 120v 4-Wire Motor
Torque 100Nm 880" lbs 14 rpm
Crown and Drive Sold Separately

Our Price: $706.90
