Simu T5 510 10Nm 35 rpm 120v Motor 2000645

Simu T5 510 Standard Operator 4 Wire Motor  2000645 4-Wire Motor used for Exterior Solar Screens, Retractable Awnings, Rolling Shutters, Retractable Outdoor Screens | Florida Automated Shade
Alternative Views:

Type5 510 120v 4-Wire Motor
Torque 10Nm 88" lbs 35 rpm
Crown and Drive Sold Separately
Our Price: $319.98

Price with Selected Options : $319.98

Product Code: 2000645


Motor Bracket*:


Crown and Drive Sets*:

Wall Switch:


Product Description

2000645 Simu T5 510 10Nm 35 rpm 120v 4-Wire Motor

1.1 Amp
shipping weight 9lbs
8 feet motor cord
Progressive limit setting
Crown and drive set required

Applications: Exterior Residential-Commercial

Exterior Solar Screens, Retractable Awnings, Rolling Shutters, Retractable Outdoor Screens